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10 things you do daily can help you love your work


photo by Elsa Noblet from Unsplash

After covid, the idea of an office job has changed dramatically, 48% of employees have kept working remotely posy pandemic and Remote opportunities leapt to more than 15% today as Researchers from Ladders have been carefully tracking remote work availability in North America.

Source: Gartner

But the idea of a job itself remained the same, you woke up early, go to work or work from home, finished late and the same routine every day, while some companies made extra work for those who are working from home, basically, our whole life is circled around work 

so the idea didn't change dramatically on the opposite it increased As The world system we live in tells you to work always comes first, pushing you to make more money and promoting a perfect life after that, even Having a job you love to go to every day is a blessing, but it doesn’t change the fact you are constantly under pressure to follow the “norm”, And I believe working should be a part of our lives, not our whole life even a job you love with time it turns into to some kind of dull routine, 

and personally, after working every day in an office, I found that doing something else for yourself not related to work really rejuvenates your life and makes a big difference during your day 

Having more than one activity your own different routine can help you have a clear vision of how you want your day to go 

if you scroll through youtube you'd probably see videos that become a trend in the last few years, YouTubers doing all sorts of videos about "my morning routine" and "what I do in my morning routine", I have never been affected by all the videos, I felt it was starting to become more of a fashion than something useful

There are a lot of things you can do every day to make your, daily work or study seems fun 

Here are some ideas maybe that would help you too: 

  1. Exercise in the morning 

Getting up earlier than usual, wearing those comfy clothes of yours, and doing exercise, is a life-changing habit don’t get me right I don’t do a hard workout just a little bit of Aram and legs workout 

  1. Woke up early and walk in the fresh air 

Although I’m talking about exercise I do not do hard once and I don’t like to do exercise that much but one thing I don’t get tired of is walking I literally I’ve been walking every day for the last 5 years, I love walking it can take your mind out of things, make you think clearly and make you feel good and healthy, I don’t always walk in a specific time an everyday day but if I know I’ll be busy the whole day I’ll walk in the mornings 

  1. Read a book you love 

Like entering a web that you hooked on for hours or watching a documentary or a movie or a history subject, books can have that effect too you can enhance your thinking, have a new idea and a new subject to discuss and write about 

  1. Go eat breakfast in a place you love 

Just having a beautiful meal ready for you with a beautiful view is marvelous, because I work online I have the free mobility to work wherever I want so sometimes I go early in the morning to old ally in the city where they have all sorts of breakfast 

  1. Listen to the podcast 

Who doesn’t love a good podcast, podcast are easy to play and you can play them from wherever you are, they really can help you have new ideas and listen to stories 

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