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When snow becomes a horrible thing

a lot of snow in a city
photo by Filip Bunkens from Unsplash

many parts of the world received snow this year, For many, it is an opportunity to snowboard or ice skate, or sledding on the ice, and do related activities like making a snowman, and Parents play with their children, while many people enjoy the change of the seasons other try to find a shutter from it

As many people don’t have a home to go to, due to the increase in poverty that kept people Holmes or living in a house with bad conditions the freezing weather makes it harder to people to cope as the winter comes 

Who among us has not encountered a poor person on the streets begging people for money, or children selling handkerchiefs and water, or semi-instrumentalists trying to imitate musicians under the tunnels in playing the most famous music (Bella Ciao)، Or the waste pickers with their iron carts to collect and sort the waste, or the harshest scene is the homeless sleeping in his thin clothes in the cold weather with some blankets over him. 

Perhaps all of these have become an integral part of the daily life of the city, like the seller of food carts, the noise and vitality of the streets, and everything that gives cities their soul, but they should not  The scene becomes normal, in the midst of our preoccupations, problems, concerns, joy, and happiness, we sometimes miss thinking about those around us, they have become part of the daily rhythm in our lives, without giving us the importance of where they live, how they eat, and how I can contribute!

On my return one day, I saw two children in front of the container, their ages between ten and twelve, picking up the waste and putting it in a large bag supported on a pulling iron cart. I went to them to see what two young children were doing pushing a cart twice their size and intending to buy them some food. They refused in any way my attempt  In buying food for them, they said that they did not need it. "Praise be to God, we eat sufficient and satiating food daily."

These children live with their parents in a very modest house in one of the poor neighborhoods of Istanbul, and their daily food consists of biscuits and Pepsi only, and they go out every day to pick up, separate, sort, and sell waste.

photo by John Moeses Bauan from unsplash

All of these raise questions: will the people stay like that and how can we help, And Where do we stand on the limits of our duties towards others?

UNICEF estimates that, by 2030, if we do not act, more than 165 million children worldwide will live in extreme poverty, or live on less than $1.90 a day, and nearly 70 million children under the age of five will die from largely preventable causes.

In the world in which we live today, everyone is exposed to the loss of one of the economic pleasures of his life, and it is not excluded that the rich or able person will move to a low economic condition or even to a poor person to the extreme poverty that forces him to work in the streets, and with the lack of job opportunities, the high cost of living, and the lack of salaries, he struggles  A lot for an acceptable standard of living, and because of the constant pursuit of economic catch-up, we sometimes forget to lose the conditions of others

While the other cast its responsibilities, the trouble of thinking, and the feeling of guilt on the governments, and of course, the necessity and importance of the role of governments for the poor and providing them with job opportunities and a better life cannot be denied.

Or put the responsibility of the poor themselves to take care of themselves, as some, because of the aid, do not move a finger and remain as they are to ensure that the aid will inevitably come.

But all this does not absolve us from our responsibility as individuals towards society and as a person with a conscience, and with the huge number of people in need today, some aid remains temporary and will not benefit them at all

So where do our responsibilities lie!

because we will not be able to provide many things for them, societies have created mini-governments! how?

Some have opened small associations consisting of several members to arrange to donate money periodically to you and to whom you will go, and others have formed a volunteer team funded by donations and work in building houses and providing job opportunities and a decent life.

In Turkey, for example, vegetable sellers put boxes of fruits and vegetables in front of the shops for the needy, and every buyer who wants to help pays the money, and in the bakeries, it follows the same pattern

And you can as a person do a small amount to help here’s some several points that you can benefit from:

  • You can allocate a small amount to give to those who need it every month or every two months

  • You can give a sum of money to a restaurant to feed the poor

  • Agree with a clothing store and set up a box containing new clothes and shoes from donations, and tell everyone who wants to donate, so it becomes an ongoing charity

  • Cooperate with the local police in sheltering the homeless in their own shelters, as some governments provide numbers for those who find any homeless people 

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